How to download Car Locator 1.0.8 unlimited apk for android - Inbox APK

How to download Car Locator 1.0.8 unlimited apk for android

Car Locator.apk 1.0.8
Name: Car Locator.apk
ID: com.appbell.pmt.carlocator.ui
Version: 1.0.8
Size: 2 Mb

Car Locator Screenshots

How to install Car Locator 1.0.8 mod apk for laptop
How to download Car Locator 1.0.8 mod apk for bluestacks
How to mod Car Locator 1.0.8 mod apk for laptop

How to setup Car Locator apk for android

- For Android 4.0 or higher:
Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.

Car Locator Description

Car Locator now makes car parking easy. There is no need to remember parking location, iSpot4u Car Locator helps you to find your car.
If car has Bluetooth feature, it will automatically mark/pin your car location wherever you park your car. Locate button will show your current and parked car location on map with navigator.
You can also use manual feature to mark/pin your car location. This also works great for remembering locations like hotels, bus stops, shopping malls etc
1. Automatic detection of car location using car Bluetooth when you switch off your car
2. No need to wait to stabilize GPS to get accurate location
3. Manual feature to mark your parked car location
4. Google Map to identify and navigate
5. Unlimited Parking History with tagging facility
6. Support multiple cars

What's new in Car Locator 1.0.8

Version 1.0.2
1. Select various car logos for car locations from Setting
2. Enhanced accuracy for manual car parking
3. Drag/Drop car marker to correct/change parking location manually
4. Defect fixes
Version 1.0.3/1.0.4
1. Car location sharing using various options (SMS, Email, WhatsApp, Hangouts etc)
2. Better usability for Manual Pin
Version 1.0.5
1. Added link for upgrade to Pro Version
Car Locator | 21 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.2

Download Car Locator patch 1.0.8 APK

Search terms:
How to download Car Locator patch 1.0.8 apk for laptop
How to use Car Locator mod apk
How to mod Car Locator 1.0.8 apk
How to get Car Locator lastet apk